Mission Statement

We support and promote art, libraries, nature and heritage through collaboration within Webster County, Iowa.


We envision vitality and excellence in the arts, libraries, and the parks of the community.


We value Catherine Vincent Deardorf’s vision and philanthropy.
We value and encourage leadership, vision, and commitment in our community.
We value the general well being of the community.
We value partnerships and collaboration in community projects.
We value innovation and excellence in the performing arts, the visual arts, literature, and education in the arts.
We value strong public libraries as sources of lifelong learning.
We value inviting parks and natural recreational areas.
We value heritage and history of our community.

Board of Directors


Rhonda Chambers
Jennifer Condon
Jane Gibb
Maureen E. Merrill
Kyle Sande
Peggy Richardson Trevino
Megan Secor

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